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Tamsin Loveday
BA Hons Fine Art Printmaking

Tamsin is a Multidisciplinary Artist with a special interest in paper, printmaking and book-arts.

She lives with her husband and their dog in a village near Salisbury, Wiltshire, UK.

Working from her studio in Salisbury she offers creative bookbinding solutions and services in addition to actively promoting creativity for wellbeing through creative workshop experiences.


Tamsin graduated with with BA Hons Fine Art -Printmaking from Winchester School of Art (University of Southampton) in 2009 , Tamsin’s degree show comprised a pop up Art School, "TENT", participatory platform where, through creative activity, connection and conversation, print works were created in participants’ memories.


Tamsin’s art practice is research and process led, where "the work" is more often about experience than product.

Key research themes are things that connect us to each other, to landscape, the past and traces of these things.

Tamsin makes art “by any means necessary”, responding creatively to research by matching ideas and materials in ways that resonate with the theme.

Tamsin is currently researching the relationships we have with the ancient ritual landscapes in Wiltshire and beyond, exhibiting in a self-curated joint exhibition, "Echoes and Threads" at Fisherton Mill in Spring 2024.


A significant strand in Tamsin’s creative practice is socially engaged, working with individuals and groups of people through participatory arts opportunities in the arts and health and arts and heritage sectors.

Tamsin regularly works with partner organisations and cultural providers including Art Care, Wiltshire Creative and Celebrating Age Wiltshire.

Recent projects include:

Spring 2023  Well-City Salisbury creative wellness course "Hands on Artyfacts",  with Salisbury Museum

Summer 2023 Printmaking taster for a Living Room event "Beside the Seaside, Beside the Sea" at SPUD.

Autumn 2023 "Black Servicemen of Wiltshire -We See You Now" with Tidworth Crafty Group, a creative response to the themes and stories in and Wiltshire Museum's current exhibition; "Lest We Forget - The Black Contribution to the World Wars in Wiltshire" 

Winter 2023-2024 "Past, Present and Future" a linked series of creative sessions with Sounds Better CIC and Downton Downtime 



Tamsin has been making books since childhood. Her first books were fairy books made for her younger sister when she was a little girl. Introduced to Artist's Books and the book form as an art object during her Foundation Art and Design course at KIAD Maidstone, Book Arts continue to be a dominant theme in Tamsin's creative research and output. Tamsin continues to learn and develop her technical Bookbinding and design skills through practice and study with respected Designer Bookbinders and organisations. She is an associate member of Designer Bookbinders Society. 


"I will never get bored of turning flat pieces of paper into three-dimensional objects" - Tamsin Loveday



Tamsin Loveday A Binding - Wand June 2021.jpg


+44 7740 573331



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